Faith like Potatoes

Got this DVD from Netflix and watched it right away, not really knowing what to expect, only that it is a movie about the Christian faith. Compared to other “Christian” movies (Facing the Giants, FlyWheel, Fireproof) this one is more raw and authentic, actually based on a true story, which makes it even more astounding.

The story is about a Scottish-African farmer and his family, trying to survive drought and tribal war in South-Africa. Farmer Angus has a big turning point in his life as he realizes only God can fix his broken life. Then it gets really interesting as he is hurled straight into preaching and faith stretching experiences.

WARNING: if you have a rather weak stomach like me, I would recommend looking away for about a minute when Angus and his hired hand take 2 of the children on a tractor ride (towards the end of movie). This gut-wrenching scene was a little too graphic for me, and I was left pretty shook up and about to vomit. But don’t despair, even this horrific incident has some relief a few minutes later in the plot.

Music by Sara Groves

My favorite music right now are my 2 CD’s by Sara Groves. We had the privilege of hearing her at UCCC where she “guest-starred” at a Michael Card concert, several years ago.

Her simple, straight-from-the-heart music is moving and easy to identify with. The lyrics are sort of folk-music like, more like stories, conversations and prayers, than rhyming pop-song marvels with fancy musical arrangements. 

So if you pass me on the road these days, roll up your windows, ’cause I’m a-singing!

To Save A Life

It was actually by chance that I ended up with this movie from Netflix. Didn’t realize at the time it was a new release or that it had a good Christian message. It’s a story about having the courage to reach out and make a difference and what an impact one person can have. It tackles the issues of teen suicide, teen pregnancy and peer pressure  and the plot is pretty realistic. Eye-opening and inspirational! Make your teens watch it!

Temple Grandin move receives Emmy awards

Emmy award speech:

My sister bought me one of Temple Grandin’s books after my son was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (a mild form of autism). The book “Emergence” is pretty much a biography of this amazing woman’s life as an autistic child, non-verbal until age 4, as she struggles through her youth and slowly learns to overcome her deficits to reach her dreams. The movie made for HBO, is a pretty accurate portrayal (according to Dr Grandin herself) of her life’s journey. I had the tremendous privilege of watching the movie premiere in Ft. Collins, where Dr. Grandin herself was present and answered a few questions afterwards. She is such and inspiration to families of autistic children!

Movie trailer:

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