Our first family camping trip…..

So I admit, we’re not the most adventurous family. Sure, we like hiking, biking, walking, traveling and sitting around a campfire (in our backyard), but we never owned a tent or slept outside, before. The work involved just never seemed worth the little bit of enjoyment. Us parents had our share of camping in our younger days, before arthritis, bad backs, loud snoring and poor sleeping patterns ruled our nights. And the kids, well.. they never knew what they were missing 🙂

Last weekend, a friend let us borrow his old (and let me emphasize o l d) pop-up camper. We did a simple camp-out just 20 miles from home, by a lake. The boys enjoyed fishing with their daddy during the day, while mommy got a much needed break to soak in the peace and quiet. Though it only lasted less than 22 hours, the memories made were priceless, and a good lesson learned for our next camping adventure!

The oldest boy cought 3 catfish and 1 carp. It was his first real fishing experience 🙂 Daddy, of course, cought the biggest fish. The youngest boy found a new hobby – carving sticks into sharp spears. There were also great climbing trees and firepit ready for s’mores making.

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1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Wenke Wüsthoff Jortveit
    Jul 16, 2012 @ 19:10:59

    Flinkisene 🙂 Hvordan har du laget sånn fint slideshow ? Lær meg !


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