I have the mind of Christ!

1 Corinthians 2:16

“For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ”

The context of this verse is Paul teaching the Corinthians about how we perceive and judge matters differently if we are spirit filled or not. But is it not a contradiction that nobody KNOWS the mind of the Lord, yet we HAVE the mind of Christ?

I started digging into the meaning of the word “mind” used in this passage, assuming that the exact same word is being used both times in this verse.

Isaiah 55:8-9 says  8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith Jehovah. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

God’s ways (walk, journey, path, manner, and way of life, course or physical passageway) are so much higher than ours; therefore no one can know the mind of Christ or give Him advice.

So what does it mean, then, that we have the mind of Christ?

The word “mind” (from King James, Zodhiates’ lexicon) means “the organ of mental perception, apprehension and of conscious life”. This is probably how we would describe the mind in modern terminology, when asked to distinguish it from our body, emotions and soul.

But the word “mind”, in Biblical terms, reveals a much broader meaning as the description continues: “The consciousness preceding action or recognizing and judging them, the understanding of word concepts, sense.” The verb derived from the same word means “To perceive with the mind as distinct from perception by feeling. Intellectual faculty, understanding or moral reflection. The faculty renewed by the Holy Spirit. A sentiment, disposition (not as a function but as a product), an idea, consideration which denotes purpose, intention, design. Thought, providence, forethought, provision.”

The Bible tells us we already have abundant life, forgiveness and salvation, power and authority and so much more as we receive Christ as Lord and chose to walk a spirit-lead life. But to also have the mind of Christ means we can have clear thought, sanity, wisdom, understanding and discernment, self-control over our thought life, protection against Satan’s lies taking root in our minds, a healthy mind-set (disposition), and even clear direction. The Holy Spirit can speak directly into our minds as we listen and chose to believe Him.

A dear mentor brought 1 Cor. 2:16 to my attention as I spent months preparing for the State Board tests several years ago. As English wasn’t even my primary language and I had not been educated in the US, this test seemed impossible for me to pass and I was overwhelmed by stress, fear and hopelessness. Clinging on to this verse really helped me focus and trust in Him who as NO trouble with tests or academics. I passed both tests with flying colors and I take NO credit for that achievement! God is always faithful when we trust in Him as our provider and deliverer, as we seek Him for support and guidance, as we lay our plans and desires at his feet, and as we take Him at His word.