George Clooney for Secretary of State – yeah!

I have never been very politically interested or involved, mainly because I’m too far away from the country where I actually CAN vote, and can just shake my head when I watch/hear about US politics. However, I am usually moved by foreign affairs, or more specifically; injustice against the weak and innocent.

MSNBC had this report on the crisis in South Sudan. I had no idea! It made my stomach turn.

A week later there was another report by … George Clooney?!

Turns out this was his 6th trip to Sudan – trying to raise awareness about the genocides there. A few days later, he’s at the White House talking with President Obama about the situation, and the next morning, he’s arrested outside the Sudanese Embassy. Way to go – Clooney!

I love it when celebrities use their fame and fortune for good!!

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