Blind no more!

I don’t want to live life as a blind follower. I was taught to question, test and try everything claiming to be right and true. However, I have, as millions of fellow believers, been following the path of my parents, and their parents, and their parents…

We are supposed to pass down traditions and teach the next generation the right way to go. In Old Testament times, the fathers were responsible for educating their children of the ways of the Lord. God commanded them to observe 4 special holy days, to remember the things God had done for his people, and in this way continuously remind the children of the miraculous stories, on which their faith was based. As Christians we acknowledge the importance of celebrating and remembering and teaching our kids in this way. BUT what on earth are we teaching them?

Watch this video and then decide for yourself

It raises some life-changing questions of what we really are celebrating and passing on to our precious little ones. I do not agree with everything in this teaching, but enough to take a real good look at what I believe and what is really important.

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